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Category: Voters Guide

Everything You Need to Know About Question A (And Am I Getting Kicked Out?)

Heard about Question A on this November 7th ballot? Unsure what it does, how it works, or who it will affect? Having trouble sorting truth from fiction? Wonder no longer – Read the full mechanical breakdown of Question A’s proposed rent control amendment, dispel pervasive myths, and explore some of the ramifications that passing Question A would entail. Featuring extensive data analysis from Rent Board member and activist Matt Walker.

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Rent Control in Portland Today

Before one can consider the merits of this November’s Question A, once again asking Portland voters to amend the rent control ordinance, voters must have a firm grasp on the current rent control ordinance. Ashley Keenan, in what shouldn’t be anything new to long-time Townsman readers, updates our guide to the ordinance for autumn. If you’ve ever wondered about our rent control – but been too afraid to ask – wait no longer.

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How the Council Votes, and Where They Disagree

The Portland Townsman has reviewed the past six months of City Council meetings to extract each and every vote in which at least one member disagreed with the majority. All of these non-unanimous votes we’ve used to analyze the relative positions of City Councilors and provide context for their disagreements. Read on to see how your Councilors have voted – where it counts.