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Category: City Council Review

Neo-Nazi Response, Development Funding, and Shelter Overflow – City Council Review 04/10/23

Erica Snyder-Drummond reports on the council meeting of April 10th. Following the NSC-131 demonstration on April 1st, dozens of residents turned out to Monday’s City Council meeting to voice their condemnation of hate and criticism of the official response. The City Council, City Staff, and the Portland Police Department all also outlined their plans of action in the wake of this surprise attack on Portland’s residents. The City also allocated significant funds for community development and affordable housing, and City Staff shared updates on the increasingly strained shelter system under the weight of continued asylum-seeker influx.

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Amendment to Rent Control, Procedural Confusion, and Referendum Reform – City Council Review 03/20/23

Erica Snyder-Drummond reports on the council meeting of March 20th, a marathon session featuring an extended debate on the proposed rent control referendum in June, procedural adjustments to the citizen’s initiative process, and signs towards referendum reform.


$4mm Property Sold by City for $1.15mm, Unionization Row, and Referendum Hearing – City Council Review 03/06/23

Erica Snyder-Drummond reports on the council meeting of March 6th, featuring a contentious sale of city-owned land for a new office building, a date set for the hearing on June’s rent control referendum, and a unionization row at Shalom House.


Asylum Seekers Influx, a Park for North Deering, Coordinated Harassment ~ City Council Review 02/27/23

Erica Snyder-Drummond reports on the council meeting of February 27th, featuring the approval of the city’s purchasing a new park in North Deering, details of the ongoing influx of asylum seekers into Portland, and the coordinated brigade of right-wing trolls that targeted the meeting.